Thursday, January 25, 2007
What I have to say about hippies
I consider myself something of a traveler, but not a hippie. I've seen a handful of continents and have had a handful of cockroaches scurry over me in the night. I've played guitar outside for strangers and showered infrequently. But the hippie Travelers have longer hair than I, and they do not shave. They are either way too tan, so that their faces turn all pruny, or way too pale. They smoke a whole bushel of pot and play in bongo circles on the beach. When Lonely Planet says that a town has "a lively traveler's scene," they are saying it is infested with hippies. I did eat fried grasshoppers once or twice, but I think that's more gross than hippie.
Female hippie Travelers are people you want to stay away from.
On the Zipolite, a famous occasionally nude beach in Mexico, I met this Traveler I knew was a hippie because he had long hair, didn't shave, and smoked a lot of pot. He also happened to be quadriplegic. He liked to romp in the serf with a buddy of his. His friend would stand him up on his stubs, and he would see how long he could weather the buffeting waves. You're not really supposed to swim at the Zipolite, because the rip tides are ferocious. The little limbless hippie was eventually knocked over, like a bowling pin. He would paddle with his nubs to try to keep his head above water, with about as much success as a bowling pin would have. Eventually a crashing wave would throw him, long-haired and short-limbed, onto the sand, where he would lie like a washed-up baby walrus. A hippie walrus.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Symposium #1 of a Several-Part Series: Hippies
I believe one can spell the word one of two ways, namely, “hippie” or “hippy,” though if you go with the latter you risk confusing it with the adjective used to describe someone with a round figure.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Can bees sting a person while he holds his breath?
-George Stimpson, A Book About A Thousand Things
Thursday, February 16, 2006

S' is proud to announce the launch of their new website, It's currently a vacant lot of a webpage, but one with pretty wildflowers sprouting from the cracks in the concrete. Check it out, and drop us a line if you have any expertise in such matters.
We, you see, have little expertise. Yet to compete in the modern rock race one needs graphics, a visual hook, an entire aesthetic. Great songs are a bonus, but alone they can't make a band cool. That's why we have fancy pig logos. Nothing screams "indie!" like a gaping porker with your band name branded on the backside.
Monday, January 09, 2006
They Return to the Villa
The musicians then phone short, amply muscled sherpa BK, just back from another Everest expedition, and engage in a conference call during which they brainstorm ways to make money to pay for their fledgling album, which without any shadow of a doubt will be hailed as a paragon of artistic genius, a fierce singular statement squelched too long by The Man, being The White Man. Their ideas range from the gutter to the sublime. They are sticks twisting in the wind.
(1) Enroll in Pfizer's phase II pharmaceutical trials. (Pfizer's headquarters is located but a mile from MS and BP's palatial estate). The money could be big, but phase II means you are the first human beings to try a drug formerly tested in dogs. Moreover, likely they would collect urine for a toxological screen to ensure that participants are not junkies.
(2) Sell their goods. But BP, after a long snort that leaves the tip of his nose heavily powdered, remarks that this would mean that they can no longer do their own stuff.
(3) Rob houses.
(4) Rob jewelry stores.
(5) Beg their parents for money.
(6) Make money legitimately, perhaps by bartending or waiting tables or washing dishes in a filthy kitchen.
(7) Look for twenty dollar bills people may have dropped on the street.
After some time, they tire under the weight of their ideas, and decide to hope to run into street bills. (A stiff moral sense is their tragic flaw). BK leaves the country again for another expedition. BP collapses in a pile of crank. And MS bites his nails, and thinks, "Money --> Power --> Women? Or is it, Power --> Money --> Women? Or maybe, Women --> Power --> Money? No, definitely not the last one." He retreats to his bedroom, where he cracks a book. Before he turns out his nightlight, he resolves, ultimately, that that shit don't matter. Though easy to say alone in your room.
Asleep, he dreams of places wide and far.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
McClintic Apologizes to Bonnie Cohen for Previous Blog
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
super superlatives
On the other side of the globe, an HS executive and his wife on holiday in Quebec City take a wrong turn on their way back to the Sheraton. They're returning from a long, pleasant evening at a particularly well regarded and well secreted opium den hidden in the converted upper story of an old firehouse in the shadow of the old fort. Their minds fogged by poppies they turn right when they should have gone straight and enter through a low-brick archway into a small courtyard where once French fur traders would gather to drink rum and reminisce. Now it's empty, with a light snow covering the frozen ground, with the exception of a small fake tree. Catatonic as he is, the executive immediately sees that plastic shrub for what it is, and he cries out as he falls to his knees. "What the hell, Jasper," drools his wife, annoyed, but he doesn't look at her. He gazes adoringly at the thick flame and crush resistant branches, the PVC needles, and sighs, "The world's best pre-lit Christmas tree..." Then she sees it, and her annoyance melts into astonishment. "Oh!" she cries, "But it can't be!" "Yes," he says, quaveringly but resolutely. "It does have 135 percent more commercial-grade lights than ordinary trees."
These finds and others, brought back by weary, khaki-clad teams from around the world, slowly accumulate behind the cast-iron gates at the Hammacher Sclemmer ranch (or "The Bunker," as it's affectionately called). The world's largest inflatable play pen (220 square feet!) gathers dust next to the best space-saving TV wall mount and the first digital picture-taking spotting scope. A special vault that opens only when three different vice-presidents simultaneously insert small keys and twist (to the left) contains two special superlative gems, entrusted to the company by a top-secret subcommittee of the United Nations: planet Earth's largest crossword puzzle ever devised and the biggest write-on map mural of all time.
It must be a great honor to store these national treasures, but also a great burden. SkyMall, we salute you.